GOT Polish Challenge: Orange with Rainbow Honey Hoof Wrassle

Today’s Golden Oldie Thursday Challenge (details about the challenge can be found on my original blog post about it) theme is orange!  I just love the color orange, so I was looking forward to going through my orange polishes this week.  I decided to do a mani with an orange glitter that I purchased a couple of years ago, Hoof Wrassle from Rainbow Honey’s Equestria Collection.

Hoof Wrassle has a rich burnt orange base.  It’s the tone of orange I associate with autumn, and it could remind one of turning leaves.  Added to this is plenty of glitter; there are large golden-orange hexes, bright orange squares, and smaller gold, orange, and what appear to be red holo glitters.  There may be some others as well, but these are the prominent ones in my eyes.  The mixture of the deep orange base with all of the bright flashes of different tones of orange glitter reminds me of a painting of a field of orange flowers.  I’ve enjoyed looking at its nuances on my nails today.

In spite of the large amount of glitter in this one, it was not difficult to apply.  There was no sinking glitter to speak of, and it came out of the bottle easily.  It also didn’t drag or stick to the brush as glitter can do.  Rather, it applied in two easy coats without incident, drying quickly in between coats.  I used a glitter base and a fast dry top coat for the photos.

Rainbow Honey Hoof Wrassle

Rainbow Honey Hoof Wrassle

Rainbow Honey Hoof Wrassle

It really is a unique and pretty polish to which the photos aren’t quite doing proper justice.  I think adding the shinies to this earthy orange base makes for a nice contrast.

I purchased Hoof Wrassle from Rainbow Honey a couple of years ago.  It looks like it is not currently available.