Swatch and Review: Missha The Style Crystal Nail Polish in JBL01

I’ve been going through my stash lately hoping to make room for my Christmas polish prezzies, and I found this beautiful untried nail polish languishing in the back of a drawer.  It looked like a great color for New Jersey’s typical dark and dank December weather, so I used it for my New Year’s Even mani.

Missha The Style Crystal Nail Polish in JBL01 is a deep blue jelly base with loads of bright blue shimmer.  The shimmer can look almost green in some lights, but the color shift is not a strong one.  (In the fourth photo below the hint of green in the shimmer is visible.)  The color looks a little darker in the bottle than it does on the nail, where the bright jewel-tone of the shimmer mostly dominates the darker base.

The application of this polish was not difficult.  Missha uses the wide, flat polish brushes that can cover one’s nail in one or two strokes.  It always takes me a little extra time to paint my nails with these types of brushes, I think because I am afraid I’m going to make a huge mess if I’m not extra careful.  The upside of that extra effort is that I didn’t need to do much clean-up afterwards.  The polish dried very quickly and applied evenly.  I used three coats of JBL01 for the photos, and I also used ridge filler, base coat, and top coat.

Missha The Style Crystal Nail Polish in JBL01

Missha The Style Crystal Nail Polish in JBL01

Missha The Style Crystal Nail Polish in JBL01

Missha The Style Crystal Nail Polish in JBL01

Missha The Style Crystal Nail Polish in JBL01

Do you like dark, vampy shades of blue like this one?  I think it’s beautiful, especially when the light hits that shimmer! 🙂

I wasn’t aware before using this polish that Missha uses a scented nail polish formula.  The polish has a strong floral scent that lingers even after the polish is dry.  I did this mani yesterday, and I can still smell it somewhat when I sniff my nails (not something I do all that often, so it’s not a huge deal for me).  If you are particularly scent-sensitive, though, this may not be the polish for you.

I purchased JBL01 from the Missha US online shop for somewhere around $4.00 (I know I got it on sale, but I’m not sure of the exact price).  It looks like this line of polish is on sale for 50% off on their site right now, so, if you like it, now’s a great time to get one!

Happy New Year!